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At the start of the COVID pandemic I send a message to my colleagues. We need to staytogether – this is the way out! Please listen!
I did this as the CEO of the World Federation of Public Health Associations (WFPHA). The WFPHA is the umbrella organization of all national public health associations – 5 million professionals.

Now is The Time! #COVID19 makes visible all the inequalities and dysfunctions in our health and welfare systems. It shows that health is a common global good and not a commodity. Now is the time to support multilateralism, to strengthen international organizations and their financing as well as governance, it is time to work on international health regulations again, it is time to explain Universal Health Coverage, it is time to Leave No One Behind, it is time to have health literacy promoted, it is time to see our common overarching interests.

Prof. B. Borisch,
WFPHA Executive Director